Little glimse of the Shick happenings. Be sure to visit our website for pictures and other stuff or our family videos here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Pressed Flower Idea

One night while my family and I were listening to Unshackled, (a free radio drama online that tells of people’s conversion to Christ.) I had my dried flowers out thinking about what I could make with so few flowers. I decided to take out some paper and make a picture of a bicycle. It didn’t turn out at all as I expected. Thankfully, I didn’t glue the flowers. I took them off the paper then showered the paper with the dried rose petals. Then a large petal fell to the floor and I reached down to pick it up. As I studied the petal, it reminded me of a heart. A Heart! That’s what I’ll make. I used diluted glue to paste them together on a piece of construction paper. This is how the project turned out. I still plan to make a bookmark.

This has been a fun project!



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