Little glimse of the Shick happenings. Be sure to visit our website for pictures and other stuff or our family videos here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Turkey

This thanksgiving dad cooked his traditional “smoked turkey.”  First, he put some spice in the turkey.  Then, Aubrey cleaned out the smoker racks where the turkey would sit in the smoker.  Dad and Hannah started the fire, and dad placed the turkey.  During the day dad would check the turkey.  Late in the afternoon, dad said the turkey was perfect.  And it was the best we ever cooked! J I hope you come over next time!




Joshua is brushing his teeth!

This picture is so cute.  It shows Aubrey holding Joshua and  brushing her teeth.  Joshua saw the brush and wanted to try.  He grabbed the end of the toothbrush and stuck it in his mouth.  He then started to brush like Aubrey.   He enjoyed it.   J He is so adorable.




Happy Thanksgiving To You All!

This week for Thanksgiving our grandparents came for three days: Wednesday, Thursday, and a half of Friday.  On Thanksgiving we had turkey stuffed with garlic, garlic covered potato chips in lieu of mashed potatoes, yams, and turkey decorated deserts.  Unfortunately, our cousins Jake and Kyle couldn’t come for Thanksgiving.  Papa said, “If Robert were here, he would be in heaven,” because Uncle Robert loves garlic.  After Thanksgiving dinner, Papa told us stories of when he was a policeman.  I thought that it was the best Thanksgiving dinner we’ve had in a long time, although it would’ve been better if Jake and Kyle were here with us.

Happy b-day Kailey!

This week was Kailey’ s birthday.  She is six years old.  For her birthday she had a tea party.  Since her favorite animal is a cat, mom and a few helpers baked a delicious chocolate cake in the form of a cat.  We had enchilada and crackers with different delicacies to top it off.  The tea party was a blast! 

Writing Story's

This month Amy and I have been participating in a program called Nanowrimo. The website is  We have the month of November to compete, seeing who can write the best story. Everyone who competes will have their book published if they reach their word-count-goal. The competition requires each user to set a reasonable, but high word-count-goal. My word-count-goal is five-thousand, so far I have three-thousand, three-hundred and four-hundred. The website has many different features, allowing its competitors to have writing buddy’s, chat with people and much more! The competition has been very exciting.






Thursday, November 15, 2012

How Many Pomegranates Can You Get For A Hundred Dollars?

A couple weeks ago we began to hunt pomegranates. We decided to stop by a house that dad said had a lot of pomegranates. He also said that he could tell the family didn’t eat them. When we arrived, someone pressed a button and the gate swung open.  While dad asked them if we could buy some of their fruit, a boy said, “Yeah, two for a hundred dollars.” I was surprised. But the grandfather said, “Sure pick them and make me an offer.” So we picked two five gallon buckets and paid ten dollars. The store sells pomegranates for two dollars each, so what I want to ask you is, how much would the store charge you to fill two five gallon buckets? J




Sunday, November 11, 2012

What's in YOUR Dryer?

For a couple of months our family has smelt something burning every time we used the dryer. We decided to find out what caused the problem.  Amy, Caleb, Dad and I took the dryer apart and literally found globs hair and bucketful’s of lint. We took out the lint, and had to untangle the hair from the spindles in the back of the dryer.  We cleaned all of the parts, and with white vinegar scrubbed off the hair that was burnt on the sides of the dryer.  It was a bit disgusting, but it was fun.  Dad said that everything we learn now will help us when we are older, and I agree with him.  Mom also said that sometimes we’re not thankful for something until we lose the use of it.



Sunday, November 04, 2012

New Fire Wood

Every winter we use wood to make a fire inside our woodstove. This year we ran out of wood. After a little search dad finally found some wood. On Friday the man that dad bought wood from came by and dropped off a  3rd of the wood that dad bought. The next day our family stacked it in our backyard.  And I think we did a great job. Here is a video of Gracie stacking the wood.  J


Sunday, October 28, 2012

How About Deep Sea Fishing Today?

This morning dad went deep sea fishing.  When he got to the ship he called to tell us good morning.  I said, “It must be fun to go out to sea.” A couple of years ago Caleb and dad went deep sea fishing. Dad told us that this time was more fun than when he fished with Caleb because the waves were bigger and he caught more fish.  I thought that the pictures were awesome!

Joshua Is Hiding!

Joshua Is so cute.  Mom found Joshua in a gift bag.  It seemed like he was trying to hide, but instead he became stuck and started to cry.  The reason we think he got stuck is because he was attracted to the colors and went inside.  Then he trapped himself trying to get out the bag.    He loves bright colors  like red, blue, orange, pink, and  yellow.  Just take a look yourself! J






Family Sports Day

This school semester we’ve been playing soccer.  My sister came up to me after the game, and told me a funny incident that happened on the field.  Joel asked Amy “How old are you?”  Amy said “I’m 10.”  Joel questioned “What’s your name?”  Amy responded  “I don’t know, we haven’t chosen one yet”  thinking that Joel meant the team name.  Joel exclaimed “Your name, your first name!”   Embarrassed, Amy responded, “Oh! Amy.”  I almost rolled over laughing. J




Joshua's Crawling!!

Is it not wonderful how a baby learns new things?   In the past Joshua has had to push against something hard which helps him go forward.  That isn’t really crawling but we just call it that J.  This week mom spotted Joshua crawling on his own. Mom was watching him and said “Look guys, Joshua’s crawling!”  We were so excited.




New play mobiles!

This week we celebrated a Biblical holiday called Rosh Hashanah, or The Feast of Trumpets.  We had a shofar contest to see who could play the best note or play the longest. Dad promised a surprise for the great job we did.  Later that week our family went shopping and all the kids kept asking about the surprise.  When dad bought the surprise, everyone was exited.  It was a box of play mobiles!  Guess what we played with the next day -  new play mobiles.

Caleb's got a cast?

Wow!  Caleb has a cast.  Caleb was playing baseball with Amy and Hannah.  Caleb ran  for the ball, slipped, and bent his thumb backwards on  his right hand.  A few days later mom took him to the Med-Stop.  The doctors said he would need  to see a bone specialist.  Mom dropped Caleb off dad’s office that afternoon.  The bone specialist decided he needed a cast.  So much for piano lessons.   

Celebrating Sukkot

We celebrate a holiday called Sukkot.  It is a biblical holiday  that reminds us when God will come and dwell with us forever.
On this holiday we build our tent in the back yard and sleep there for a week.   This year our family made a Sukkah which is common to the holiday.   Look at our family inside our new Sukkah.   We love this holiday!J 

The Unkown Nail

The other day Mom and Dad were looking at Lisah’s finger since her finger hurt.  Dad remarked that it might be an ingrown nail.   Caleb  heard what Dad said and replied,  “Dad my toe hurts; I might have an unknown nail.” Our brother was being very silly.J





Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Firemen to The Rescue!

This week Hannah found a cat stuck in the tree.  When she shared her concern with dad, he said “Have you ever seen a cat skeleton up in a tree?”  Hannah and the rest of us  kept watching the cat, and after two days of no movement, Daddy began to share our concern.  He tried to get the cat out of the tree by climbing the ladder.  He also tried to spray the cat out, which didn’t work either.  He decided to call the firemen. so they came.  First, they tried to shake the cat out of the tree by pushing a ladder up and down against the tree, but when they didn’t succeed, they sprayed it with their fire hose.  At first, they did a light spray, expecting the it to come down; but after it became obvious that that the cat was not going to budge, they decided to spray it with at 200 psi.  They succeeded!  You should’ve seen that cat! It tumbled out of the tree.  As soon as its paws hit the ground it took off like a bullet.

It was hilarious!





Joshua Having Fun!

We all love Joshua especially when he is curious.  This previous time his curiosity led him to the chicken bucket.  He was in the kitchen when he spied the big white bucket.  Then he peered inside and saw different delicacies.  One of the delicacies was oatmeal.  He smelled the warm custard milk, and then pushed the bucket and delightedly watched the milk flow in his direction.  He thought it was fun so he slapped the milk and took a slurp.  Boy did he enjoy his treat!



By A.B.S


Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Vanilla!

Vanilla is alredy one years old, born on August 30 ,2011.  As a special treat, Vanilla got to go in the Labor Day Parade.  Why, might you ask. Because Dad took Vanilla to work on his bike, and on that day the road that Dad used was closed, so he had to ride in the middle of the parade.  She is a big puppy now, and I still remember when she was a baby. She sure loves a good game of ball.



By A.B.S

Joshy's First Food

Wow!  Joshua is a big boy to be eating food.  Joshua’s first food was Rice, and he is only 6.5 months old.  His first expression seemed like he didn’t like it, but now he does not mind.
By A.B.S

Sweet Joshua

Cute Joshua.
Today Hannah put her glasses on Joshua and he looks awesome.
He likes it when Aubrey, Amy, or Hannah plays the violin.
And he will stop crying if the vacuum is on because of its noise.
He also likes it when we play with him.
By A.B.S

A Little Food For Thought

Gracie is the subject again. We had pea soup for dinner, and some of her little peas got fell out of her plate. Like most families, we eat dinner before desert. Tonight we got ice cream.

While Gracie was happily licking her ice cream Dad came by and stuck a pea in it.  Gracie looked at the pea, took it out, licked the ice cream off the pea, and promptly spit the pea out. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see it, but just thinking about it makes me want to laugh out loud.


by ALS





Every other week we participate in family sport's day, where we go to a park and play a certain sport.  One particular week we played baseball. Just look at the results:  Amy, Caleb, and Hannah climbed up the fence.  What fun! J

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mischievous Grace

Grace decided that she was going to be mischievous today.  Mom has creams and sprays on her dresser. To Gracie these things are very appealing. Gracie uses the deodorant on her stomach, face and hands. In this case Gracie mistakenly began to use the lipstick as deodorant. Tip: during the video look closely at Grace’s stomach. J
by ALS

Wednesday, September 05, 2012


This is Kaileys second time getting stiches!!
The first time that she got stiches was on her finger and this time it was on her upper lip.
Kailey had a nice little hole, but the nurses at Med+Stop got that hole stitched up, but it took a little while. J
After about four to five days dad took the stiches out. And the wound healed very nice.
It was really funny because most of the time when people came over she would cover her Band Aid.
Well she’s better. That’s the good thing. J

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How do the Bees Know What Flavor to Make

Our children enjoy a honey stick treat every now and then.  We have several different flavored sticks: cinnamon, apple, mint, and lemmon.  On one ocassion, the question popped do the bees know which flavor to make? 

 "but Jesus said, "let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."” (Mt 19:14)

Bible Bee Bonfire

Wow! I can’t believe we reached the finish line.
For the summer Amy & I have been doing the Bible Bee. For twelve weeks we study passages of scripture and memorize 108 scripture verses (we memorized about 1/2 of them). Every summer the Bible Bee picks a book of the bible to study - and this summer was Second Timothy.
This picture is of Amy eating a marshmallow smore. Amy enjoyed smearing the marshmallow on her face, it was funny.J
My favorite lessons this summer were: 
1.  Being able to study more of God’s word with my family,
2.  Being able to memorize scripture,  
3.  Learning how to keep going even when the task gets tiring,
4.  Being able to work with my sister during the summer, 
5.  And finishing the Sword Study with joy and more of God’s word then when I started.

Of all the scripture that we covered over the summer, my favorite was Deuteronomy 31:6:
“Do not fear or be afraid of them. For the Lord is one who goes with you He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Amy’s favorite lesson this summer was:  
1.  Memorizing scripture.
2.  Studying God’s word.
3.  Learning  new things with my family.
4.  Waking up at 4:00 AM.
5.  Doing my sword study with my sister.
6.  Doing a challenge very hard and completing it.
Amy’s favorite verse of the summer was 2Timothy3:16-17

“All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for  instruction in  Righteousness so that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Our Mating Frogs

We had mating frogs last year but this time we got two pairs of mating frogs this year.

But besides having mating frogs we have six individual frogs, so in total we have eight frogs.

We don’t really get the eggs because the fish in the pond probably eat them.

They also keep the bugs down around the pond to. J

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Cake!

Yesterday was Memorial Day and mom maid this cake. J

Amy and I made brownies, and it was mom who came up with the idea.

She made the white frosting out of milk, sugar and cream cheese.

She also came up with the idea of putting on red licorice sticks as the red stripes.

And the stars are raisins. Even if the background is supposed to be blue and the stars white,

I think it was a pretty good idea. Don’t you think so?

Maybe you should try it sometime.

It was really good though! J

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gift Day!

We got gifts from mom and dad,

My brother got cars,

And all the girls got dolls.

But instead of a doll I got a very small violin.

We were going to open them after dinner, but dad said that we should open

Before dinner, so we did. J

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Joshua Obed Shick

This is Joshua Obed.

We would sometimes call him Joshua O.

Because he would pretend to fall asleep and

Would start to cry when we put him in his crib.

(mom said that when he would pretend to fall asleep

He would be playing opossum. J)

Now we got him a small baby chair that can rock by itself.

(it needs to have batteries, and it also plays music!)

The first time we got it he slept for a long time.

He still falls asleep in it, but it’s a lot less. J

Monday, May 21, 2012

"A little Vanilla to Flavor the Day!"


I was taking pictures of our farmyard, when I caught vanillas face.

I sure was glad that I had my camera. J

She looked away for a second, so I had to call her name softly,

And when she heard me she made that very cute face.

I’m glad that trick worked!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Baby Brother

Joshua Obed is 19 days old.
He is beautiful and we all love him.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A New Member Of Our Family

Joshua Obed was born March 1, 2012.  He weighed 9lb. 10oz. and was 21 inches long.  He was born healthy and strong.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Girl's Tea Party

The girls were getting ready to have a tea party.  Meanwhile, Leanna Grace is playing with the nicely set table.  Then Amy comes along and catches Grace messing around with the glass dishes,  and she says “Grace what are you doing with those dishes?”   And Grace puts the dishes back on the table (the table is our coffee table) and runs away.  Amy chased her and catches her and says “ Grace what are you doing with those dishes?”  and grace just smiles. But you may wonder why she actually was so attracted to those dishes. Grace had seen some orange pieces on the one of the plates, and she had eaten every one of those oranges.  And that is the story of the girls tea party. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012