Little glimse of the Shick happenings. Be sure to visit our website for pictures and other stuff or our family videos here.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How Many Pomegranates Can You Get For A Hundred Dollars?

A couple weeks ago we began to hunt pomegranates. We decided to stop by a house that dad said had a lot of pomegranates. He also said that he could tell the family didn’t eat them. When we arrived, someone pressed a button and the gate swung open.  While dad asked them if we could buy some of their fruit, a boy said, “Yeah, two for a hundred dollars.” I was surprised. But the grandfather said, “Sure pick them and make me an offer.” So we picked two five gallon buckets and paid ten dollars. The store sells pomegranates for two dollars each, so what I want to ask you is, how much would the store charge you to fill two five gallon buckets? J




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