Little glimse of the Shick happenings. Be sure to visit our website for pictures and other stuff or our family videos here.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Cake!

Yesterday was Memorial Day and mom maid this cake. J

Amy and I made brownies, and it was mom who came up with the idea.

She made the white frosting out of milk, sugar and cream cheese.

She also came up with the idea of putting on red licorice sticks as the red stripes.

And the stars are raisins. Even if the background is supposed to be blue and the stars white,

I think it was a pretty good idea. Don’t you think so?

Maybe you should try it sometime.

It was really good though! J

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gift Day!

We got gifts from mom and dad,

My brother got cars,

And all the girls got dolls.

But instead of a doll I got a very small violin.

We were going to open them after dinner, but dad said that we should open

Before dinner, so we did. J

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Joshua Obed Shick

This is Joshua Obed.

We would sometimes call him Joshua O.

Because he would pretend to fall asleep and

Would start to cry when we put him in his crib.

(mom said that when he would pretend to fall asleep

He would be playing opossum. J)

Now we got him a small baby chair that can rock by itself.

(it needs to have batteries, and it also plays music!)

The first time we got it he slept for a long time.

He still falls asleep in it, but it’s a lot less. J

Monday, May 21, 2012

"A little Vanilla to Flavor the Day!"


I was taking pictures of our farmyard, when I caught vanillas face.

I sure was glad that I had my camera. J

She looked away for a second, so I had to call her name softly,

And when she heard me she made that very cute face.

I’m glad that trick worked!!!