Passover is coming up! If you never heard of it before, I’ll tell you. Passover is a holiday that is described in the Bible. It is a Jewish holiday. What is the Passover story? Passover is when the Israelites were in Egypt and God commanded a man named Moses to lead the people out of slavery from the Egyptians. Moses refused saying, “Lord I am slow to speak.” So God told Moses that Aaron, his brother, would speak for him. Then Moses told Aaron what God said to him. They went to pharaoh and said, “Let my people go!” but the pharaoh hardened his heart. Moses threw down his rod and it became a serpent. Pharos’ men did the same but Moses snake ate up the others’. Than Aaron pleaded for his people again but pharaoh didn’t listen again, and again God sent plagues. God sent a total of ten plagues, listed in order: God turned the waters into blood, sent frogs coming out of the river, than lice, then sent flies, than he let all the Egyptians’ cattle die but preserved the livestock of the Israelites, then he sent hailstones the size of a man’s fist, then he sent locusts that ate every green thing, then he sent boils, then he made three days of pure darkness, and finally God said, “kill a lamb and put its blood on your doorpost and you shall eat the lamb that night. And when the spirit of God passes your over door if you have put the blood on door your first born son shall live.” “If you don’t put the blood on your doorpost, your firstborn son shall die.” Of course pharaoh didn’t believe what God said so his firstborn son died. That was the last of the plagues and finally Pharaoh let the people go! That’s the story of Passover! In Deuteronomy 16:2 Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the Passover unto the Lord thy God, of the flock and the herd in the place witch the Lord shall choose the place his name there. That is why we sacrifice Passover. And also God commands to let us keep the Passover because it is a shadow of him dying in the cross and there is another shadow that is to come to pass.
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