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Monday, March 18, 2013

Upcoming Science Fair.

Our homeschool group has a science fair annually, which we have decided to enter this year. We all want to do something different. Amy and Hannah want to research yeast. I want to build a rocket, and explain how they work. Yesterday, I began to write about how they launch and what interested me in rockets. My interest stemmed from space shuttle failures. For example, in one failure, a piece of foam from the Space Shuttle External Tank during take-off, no bigger than a brief-case and about two pounds in weight hit the wing of Columbia, causing a hole 18 inches in diameter. During re-entry back to earth, this hole created friction, causing a high amount of super-heated gases to enter into the shuttle wing. This caused the Columbia to disintegrate in the air shortly before landing.

I absolutely can’t wait for the science fair. I’m so excited!



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