Little glimse of the Shick happenings. Be sure to visit our website for pictures and other stuff or our family videos here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Firemen to The Rescue!

This week Hannah found a cat stuck in the tree.  When she shared her concern with dad, he said “Have you ever seen a cat skeleton up in a tree?”  Hannah and the rest of us  kept watching the cat, and after two days of no movement, Daddy began to share our concern.  He tried to get the cat out of the tree by climbing the ladder.  He also tried to spray the cat out, which didn’t work either.  He decided to call the firemen. so they came.  First, they tried to shake the cat out of the tree by pushing a ladder up and down against the tree, but when they didn’t succeed, they sprayed it with their fire hose.  At first, they did a light spray, expecting the it to come down; but after it became obvious that that the cat was not going to budge, they decided to spray it with at 200 psi.  They succeeded!  You should’ve seen that cat! It tumbled out of the tree.  As soon as its paws hit the ground it took off like a bullet.

It was hilarious!





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