Little glimse of the Shick happenings. Be sure to visit our website for pictures and other stuff or our family videos here.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Good Job, Nala! Aren't they the cutest?

Mamma and puppies are doing great! There are 11 puppies in all.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our First Baby Goats. Maaaahaaaahhh!

This is Mary. She would have died, but Aubrey and Amy mothered her back to health. She is doing great....and having no problem Maaahhaaahhhing all day long :)

This is Jacob. He's really healthy.

It's been a while, but I'll get the hang of it again! These sure all small.

Mmmmm....milk. Can I drink some more?

How is this supposed to work, anyhow?

I'm too tired. Maybe later.

Ohhh...The Summer is Coming

Our First Fishing for Lizards. Look! you remember that bluebelly I bought for 25 cents, but never
managed to get it back home? Do you remember why?

Frank, the Fish

08/2000 - 04/2008

The Honeymoon

And the Celebration to Follow

The Girl's First Violin Concert

My Big Botha Teech Me to be Cowboy


Can I Ride Bikes with You, Dad?

Daddy, Is This How you Pick Up the Tent Stakes?

Helping Hannah. What a Joy!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ski Trip

Went to Sierra Summit Last Monday with Aubrey and Amy. What a blast!